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Cover Image For QuickStudy<br>Nursing Lab Values
Handy 6-page laminated reference to the most important lab values for nurses to know. Get this guide when you start nursing school and review it often. By the time you take the NCLEX, they will be committed to memory. Lamination means it will last the lifetime of your career. Paper-thin, so you can keep it with your clipboard or at the nurses' station for referencing a value faster than using the Internet. Suggested uses: o Quick Reference instead of digging into a large book to find a core answer you need while studying, use the guide to reinforce quickly and repeatedly o Memory refreshing your memory repeatedly is a foundation of studying, have the core labs handy so you can focus on the larger picture o NCLEX Test Prep & Exams review frequently and right before exams and the NCLEX for that extra boost

Edition: 16


ISBN: 9781423233206

Price: $6.95

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Cover Image For QuickStudy | Nursing HESI A2 Test Barchart
Essential academic skill requirements covered for the HESI test for entry into Nursing School. The HESI A2 is predictable and this aspect makes the test easier to study for since the same concepts are covered in every test using the same types of questions. However, many people have underestimated this test their first time around and had to take it again—do not be one of them. Nurses are some of the biggest fans of QuickStudy guides, so start your collection and get started on a new career. 6-page laminated guide includes: Mathematics Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Grammar Biology Chemistry Anatomy & Physiology Physics

Edition: 17


ISBN: 9781423236528

Price: $6.95

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Cover Image For QuickStudy<br>Nursing TEAS 7
Nurses know the value of our medical quick reference guides, so this should be the first one in your QuickStudy library. Our Nursing TEAS study guide has been a best-seller on amazon and called “invaluable” and a “must-buy” in customer reviews. Others say they had no idea so much could fit in 6 pages, and that lamination stopped spills from ruining the guide. Version 7 includes additions to ensure we cover the exam released in 2022/23, which now includes chemistry. The need-to-know aspects of the TEAS test in this handy format have helped so many people pass this test and move on to nursing school for new careers. At this price the value cannot be matched.
6-page laminated guide includes:
Key Ideas & Details
Craft & Structure
Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
Order of Operations
Multiplying & Dividing Fractions
Calculating Percentages
Word Problems
Proportions & Ratios
Mean Median, Mode & Range
The Metric System
Data Interpretation
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Life & Physical Sciences
Cell Structure, Function & Organization
Cell Division
Role of Microorganisms in Disease
Basic Atomic Structure
Physical Properties & Changes of Matter
Chemical Reactions
Properties of Solutions
Acids & Bases
Scientific Reasoning
English Language & Usage
Conventions of Standard English
Spelling, Plurals, Homographs & Homphones
Knowledge of Language
Subject Verb-Agreement
Clauses & Phrases
Parts of a Sentence
First, Second & Third Person
Vocabulary Acquisition

Edition: 22


ISBN: 9781423249238

Price: $7.95

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Cover Image For QuickStudy Pocket Guide<br>Nursing
The NEW QuickStudy Nursing Laminated Pocket Guide is an expanded/revised 4" X 6" pocket-sized edition of our full-sized Nursing Laminated Study Guide. Now in a 3-paneled, premium tri-fold lamination layout, it's loaded with beautifully illustrated diagrams clearly and concisely labeled for a better studying experience towards the nursing profession. Illustrations by award-winning medical illustrator Vincent Perez.

Edition: 19


ISBN: 9781423242765

Price: $4.95

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Cover Image For QuickStudy<br>Nursing
Our thorough coverage of general nursing duties, including analysis and assessment techniques, just got better with our newly expanded and updated Nursing guide. Better organized information and detailed tables make this quick reference for nurses and students easier to navigate. Topics covered include: • Lung sounds • Normal EKG patterns • Cardiac enzymes • Adventitious lung sounds • And more!

Edition: 13


ISBN: 9781423221616

Price: $6.95

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Cover Image For QuickStudy<br>Nursing 2
A continuation of our best-selling Nursing guide, this 3-panel reference tool features more vital information every nurse should know while on the job. Different nursing procedures are covered in step-by-step detail, and key definitions and techniques are featured as well; helpful tables, charts, and full-color illustrations are also included.

Edition: 11


ISBN: 9781423216537

Price: $6.95

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Cover Image For QuickStudy<br>Nursing Pharmacology
Having proficient knowledge of medical drugs and their effects on the human body is an especially important part of a nurse's duties therefore, nursing students or those already practicing will find much to learn from when using our newest 3-panel guide. Color-coded sections feature comprehensive information on different types of drugs, their uses, how they're administered and any possible side effects. It's a fluff-free reference tool guaranteed to become a nurse's best friend.

Edition: 11


ISBN: 9781423216551

Price: $6.95

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Cover Image For QuickStudy<br>Nursing Student & Career Reference Book
Nursing: Student Career & Reference provides real-world knowledge that will prepare nursing students for school and the reality of a nursing career. With over 320 full-color pages and a format that makes it easy to read and find answers for the NCLEX-RN exam, it's like having your own personal nursing coach by your side.

Edition: 13


ISBN: 9781423220459

Price: $34.95

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Cover Image For QuickStudy<br>Nursing:Surgical
Our 3-panel (6-page) guide jam-packed with information provides a detailed review of a key aspect of the nursing profession: surgery. A perfect resource for nursing students or those already in the field who want to brush up on their skills, this guide covers the key concepts, skills and techniques essential to effective surgical nursing care. Each section features The Nurse Knows" summary of critical points, set off graphically for easy reference. Tables and images further enhance the text.

Edition: 10


ISBN: 9781423214342

Price: $6.95

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