
Bloom Undated Daily Planner
Make Things Happen

Bloom Undated Daily Planner
Make Things Happen

Price: $17.95

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Product Description

Item: 85058100699

bloom daily planners were created to inspire and empower women around the world to bloom into the best versions of themselves! You asked and we listened! We're so excited to announce our Undated Planner! This planner runs from January through December, but you fill in your own dates so you can use it in any year. Specifications and features include:
• Fun, fashionable & chic design - "Make Things Happen" in beautiful gold foil over a blue marble pattern.
• DIMENSIONS: 6" wide (with binding) x 8.25" tall x .4" thick, 8.7 oz.
• Calendars are UNDATED but run from January to December.
• Monthly Tabs!
• 2 page monthly spreads followed by spacious weekly views.
• Vertical pockets on front AND back inside covers.
• Strong metal spiral binding allowing your planner to lay flat on your desk.
• 12 end of month reflection questions integrated into the calendar.
• 2 inspirational quotes and 1 monthly goals/notes list on each monthly view.
• Shaded weekends, special icons on select holidays.
• Supplemental pages including: 1 - Personal info page with yearly mission statement prompt, 2 - Yearly goal setting pages, 2 - Important dates pages, 2 - Optional class scheduling pages, 4 - Notes pages, 4 - Things to do lists, 4 - Address book pages, 1 - Important dates for next year page, 1 - Year in review page